Traveling through Kody T.'s Life | |||||||||||||||||
Hi this is my first web page so if you have any ideas on what should be in it e-mail me. Hopefully I'll be having my picture on the web soon. And by the way I live in a rural town in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Well I'm in a program called Odyssey of the Mind or OM. I like being in it. The program is when teams from school consisting of 7 or less people can pick a long-term problem. The officials pick the different problems that are possible. It usually has something to do with acting out a play and building something. Like this year we have to make a device that does something and a poster, and it has to be based on a shakespeare play. So if you ever saw West Side Story it is like we are making a play like West Side Story because West Side Story is a spinoff from Romeo and Juliet. Is that spelled right? Email. That is half of the competion the other half is spontaneous. Which the judges will give us an object and then we will be given a task to do with the object. Such as what can it be, or they will say to make a river that takes this down. And then we would have to go do it. All of this probably sounds confusing because there is alot more details that are to long to put in the computer. Last year my team won regionals and then went to States. We came in 3rd at states but we had to come in 1st to go to Worlds. The people that are in the team this year include Kody T.,Austin M., Doug W., Kate C., Michelle Y., Whitney L., Tom R., and our helper is Lindsey M., and the captains are Terry L., Jane M. So its about time to compete. We have a very good performance this time around. | ||||||||||||||||
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Some of my interests are playing tennis, talking to friends, and just having fun. Other interests include cooking, computers, travel, photography, and my favorite sport to watch on TV is American Football. The music that I listen to Rock/Pop and some country (but not alot). I really don't have a favorite band or group because I like all kinds. At school I play the violin in the music department. My school is a brand new and it is called Penn Central Middle School; Penn Central is located in the Pennridge School District. GO RAMS!! 7th Grade seems to be good. I like the teachers. My friends include Ilona, Kenny, Justin, Caitlin, and many more. My parents are Dave and Cindy T. I have a rabbit and a dog. My dog's name is Cookie and the rabbit's is Magsy. They are both females. Well I had a great Christmas. Here is what I got. I got a lava lamp, 90$, clothes, recorder, joystick, cds, candy, Hess Trucks ( I collect), Pezz dispencers (collect), and some other stuff. | A different view of life | ||||||||||||||||
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What we all come down! |
This is an area where I put my stories that I write on the internet. please e-mail about what you think because I'd like to know what I can do better. I want this because my future job is going to be a jounalist. Our Next Field Trip "Incredibly fascinating," said Mrs. Welter. What is so incredibly fascinating you might be wondering? The Silver Comets next field trip to the University of Pennsylvania on February 24. The University is a museum located in center city Philadelphia. To my own knowledge the world known mummy display exists there. Other displays include Egypt, Africa, China, and the Mayans.( an ancient Mexican civilization) According to Mrs. Welter we will be able to see at least three displays in the time we will be there. With your tour guide you will be seeing the second largest man made sphinx cat in the world. As well as the worlds oldest writing and a crystal ball. "One of the finest museums only an hour away," remarked Mrs. Graham. You can bring money for a gift shop in the museum. The main reason we're going is to see how civilized people were 2,000 years ago. As always our job is to find answers to a worksheet that will help us understand the displays more in detail. "I hope that the students will have a great time to our field trip to the University of Pennsylvania," Remarked Mrs Welter. Everyone that he loved died Doubting himself made his topics for his stories Getting drunk made his life worse After his mother died he was taken in by the Allan family Reading was easy for poe; for the Allan family gave him a good education Poe's father abandoned him and his family in 1810 On the streets he laid until someone took him to a hospital where he died Everybody loved his story the Raven; it was his first public success. NORWAY Norway is officially called the Kingdom of Norway. It is located in Europe and the latitude is 56 degrees North by 70 degrees North and the longitude is 30 degrees East by 10 degrees East. The Glama in the southeast is the longest river. Including its tributaries the river drains about one-eighth of the country's area. Rivers flowing in the Southwestern direction usually are short because of the steep western slope. They have many rapids and falls around their path. Rivers flowing in the South eastern direction are generally long because of the gentle eastern slope. Norway has thousands of glacier lakes, the largest is Lake Mjosa in the southeast. One-third of the lakes in the south are effected by acid rain coming from British industrialization. This is a concern to Norway's environmental- conservation program. Norway is 125,050 square miles with a capital city of Oslo. Other large cities include Drammen, Kristiansand, and Bergen. The total population is 4,404,456 people. The highest elevation is Galdhopiggen Mt. which is 8100 feet. Bordering Norway is the Arctic Ocean to the north, to the northeast is Finland and Russia, Sweden borders to the east, to the south is Skagerrak Strait and the North Sea. The Atlantic Ocean is to the west, which in Norway is called the Norwegian Sea. Telecommunications include Television, Radios, Telephone, and the Internet. Norway is a developed country and has a GDP of $24,500. Languages spoken include Norwegian(official language)and Saami. Ethnic groups include norwegian 96%, Saami 1%, and Others 3%. 89% of the population belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway. Others include Protestant and Roman Catholic. Life expectancy for females is 80.7 years and males are 74.8 years. The population growth is .5%. Major natural resources are minerals, oil, gas, copper, pyeites, nickel, iron ore, lead, zinc, coal, and petroleum. Agriculture products include potatoes, barley, oats, and wheat. Grains are grown in the East. The West and the North specialize in livestock raising and dairy farming. Livestock include sheep, cattle, and hogs. Agriculture is 5% of the annual GDP. Norway needs to import fruits, vegetables, and some grains. Major industries are Forestry which is accountable for a small proportion of the GDP. Forestry is mostly done in the East and South. Fishing contributes to 2% of the world's total catch. Species of fish that are important are capelin, herring, mackerel, cod, sand eel, saithe, salmon, and prawns. In the 1980's commercial whaling was banned but they still hunt small numbers of whales for scientific purposes. The total yearly catch for Norway was about 2.1 million metric tons. Other industries are food products, chemicals, paper, and a steel plant which is near the Arctic Circle. Imports are machinery, transportation equipment, chemical products, clothing, iron, steel, and metal ores. Exports include petroleum, natural gas, nonferrous metals, food products, chemicals, paper, iron, and steel. Education was established in Norway in 1827. Children between the ages of 7 and 16 go to school. They attend a six year lower school and a three year upper school. Then secondary school is available for three years. In the early 1990's about 3,340 primary schools with a combined enrollment of 462,600 kids and some 810 secondary schools had a combined enrollment of about 211,300 people. Norway has four public universities and ten colleges. The four universities are the University of Oslo,the University of Bergen, the University of Thrums, and the University of Trondheim. The literacy rate of the whole country is 100%. Norway's form of government is parliament monarchy. The current leader (head of state) is King Howard the 5th. The head of government is appointed by the monarch. The only voting qualification is to be over the age of 18. The highest court is the supreme court. Armed services consist of an army, navy, and air force. The men that are in the armed services are between the ages of 19 to 44 and they must serve 12 to 15 months. For fun people in Norway ski. For thousands of years they were the only type of transportation. In the middle of the 19th century skiing began to get recognized as a sport. They then set the pace for the development of new style and techniques. Norwegians today like to collect and preserve folk art and music. The country's largest art museum is the National Gallery in Oslo. They display items of national and regional culture. Norway is known for its fjords(long narrow inlets of the sea) that go into the coastline. In about 800AD the Vikings began raiding Western Europe. In 875AD the Vikings colonized Iceland. About 900AD Howard the First conquered local Viking kingdoms. He then united Norway. Around the 990's AD Olaf the First introduced Christianity to Norway. 1349-1350AD a plague killed almost half the people in Norway. Leaving them with a need to be adapted into another country. In 1397 Norway became part of the Danish ruling. 1814 is when Norway became part of Sweden. 1905 is when Norway became independent again. In 1940 Germany invaded Norway and quickly took control. 1945 Germany surrendered. By the 1970s Norway's economy expanded greatly because of petroleum and natural gas drilling. In 1994 Norway hosted the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. As you can see Norway has been through alot in its life time. It is truly a wonder. Please go to my teachers web page I think it my good deed for this year. Don't think that I'm a stuck up or anything just go there and you will see why I did it. PLEASE! | ||||||||||||||||
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